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Saturday, March 5, 2011

There is not a day where I cant find Happiness

So I was just looking over my blog and realized that the majority of my posts are of the deeper nature and could be misinterpreted as sad or depressive.  I do not want anyone to be under the impression that this is nothing short of an amazing experience for me!  So below are just some of the awesome highlights of this trip:
  • There is a waterfall on campus that I climb regularly
  • I went to my first pro sport game... and it was RUGBY! (I want to play)
  • I see Zebras regularly but they never cease to excite me
  • Trips to game reserves are common along with exotic animal sitings
  • We have a 90 foot slip n slide!
  • I am constantly surrounded by nature and places to explore
  • I can go days without having to put any type of footwear on
  • Spontaneous events such as sleeping outside or Water Rugby with the guys
  • There are amazing people here and I love getting to know them
  • Gods got a major sense of humor therefore I laugh
  • Mints are available at all times during class
These are but a few things that make this semester incredible!

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