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Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Morning Fog"

It is these mornings hours that the fog sits with peace.  I watch them as they gracefully intertwine creating a fantastical world belonging only to the early risers.  The fog swirls around these hills exiling the distant behind its walls and capturing this very moment for but a short amount of time.  Peace sits in the trees and quiets all but the soft chorus of the woods.  An orchestra of bugs and the choir of birds together play her a melody that gives Peace her name, and she kindly permits me to listen.  but the sun climbs higher and the morning fog fades, and peace gracefully slips away leaving me with a small companion for the day...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Proof of Truth: "Faith and Reality"

     Is faith simply a construct of our minds?  Is everything I believe just a fairytale that someones mind dreamed into reality centuries ago and now that reality has become my own? Is it all just a dream?
     I say NO!  There are some things that i know for sure, even if my reality really is just a fantasy.  I know for sure there is a God, and not just because i feel Him.  It is so evident that there is a higher power that has created life.  If one just looks internally at the power to think he cannot but come to the conclusion that there is some kind of God.  It believe it is stupidity to think otherwise.  However it is the story and character of God that is so hard to rationaly defend.  I know it as truth for myself but how can i prove it absolute truth.  I do not want to be of a "blind faith".  I will not be another brainwashed follower lacking the ability to question "truth".  I know I am not educated enough to establish a rational argument for the truth of  Jesus and this is why i must question it.  Not because I do not believe but because I DO, and wish not to believe blindly.  I know there is evidence out there and it is my duty as a christian and I believe as a human to find truth and its supporting evidence.


 I just finished watching Braveheart.  An inspiring story of a common man rising up to lead Scotland to freedom.  A man who was known by every on of his country men and stories were told of him even when he was still yet alive. 
It made me think, how long has it been since we have had a national hero.  Sure we idolize actors, athletes, and musicians but when was the last time there was a man who inspired a country? Not by looks or by his talents but by his wit and his very living.  It is people like William Wallace who create change.  These people are not politicians, it is not merely a  job for them.  They are individuals who live out their convictions in such a way that others cannot help but be inspired.  I can only hope to be a piece of what these great men of history were.  I can only pray that my story is one worth writing and maybe even reading again when I am long gone and the memories faded.  Will my story be one worth keeping?

(P.S: I recognize the fact the movie adds a good amount of fictional events to the actual reality of Wallace's life)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Typhoid Fever

It has been almost a week now.  One week of miserable symptoms.  It started with a loss of appetite but then a fever burst within my head, but it left as quickly as it came taking with it all my energy and leaving me lethargic for two days.  Now I am left with stomach pains and movements whenever I eat.  I fear this may be something worse than I hoped.  All these symptoms are characteristics of typhoid fever, except I dont have a high fever, but this possibility slightly worries me...
So I've been praying alot, but i feel guilty because I didnt come to God when I had a fever or lack of energy.  Its only when I start getting scared that I start really talking to Him about it.  In my helplessness I find comfort in prayer, of course i pray for healing but then what if its God's plan for to be sick?  So instead of asking for just healing, i pray for peace that God does exactly what he wants with me...  That is all I can do, and honestly being in that spots thrills me... even if I have typhoid fever!

The next day...
I have gone the whole day without symptoms.  I cant just blow this off like no big deal.  God worked his small miracle and healed me from my affliction.  I love that there are always lessons to be learned...
I wonder if God enjoys bringing me to these points where I am almost asking for unfortunate events? (T Fever)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Could Live Here

    Grassy plateaus and mountains tower over my head as I stand upon this boulder so big that only God himself could move it.  Rushing water hums its melody as it flows 20 feet beneath me.  I sit down to bask in the sun who will be wrestled out of the sky by the approaching thunderclouds that been waiting so luminous on the horizon.  I slide down the rock face, scratching up my stomach, and jump into the water.  The current greets me by sweeping me off my feet and I am embraced by the cool waters.  I curl up into a ball to see how far this river would take me.  It throws me against rocks and the flips me over and over until it is through with me.  I stand up and a flash of lightning paints the hills followed by its war drums.  I feel a drop of rain as I drag myself out of the river and stare at the opposing clouds.  "I could live here!" escaped my mouth and I continued down the path...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Monkey Wars

Dear Monkeys,

We were warned to be wary of you.  We were warned of your cunning and thievery.  We were advised to prepare ourselves for battle, but we did not head these warnings and now you have humiliated us.  You have scared the women and eyed down the men, you have stolen the avocados and pooped in Mitch's bed, you have attacked our masculinity and questioned our humanity... but No More! We will no longer be gripped by fear of the possibility that you have invaded our rooms and desecrated the possessions we hold dear.  We will shut our windows and lock our doors, we will make our weapons and grow our beards, we will be the bigger monkey.  Beware oh monkeys of what is to come, guard your children, watch you backs, and sleep with one eye open... because if you continue these invasions we will retaliate, we will fight back, and we will prevail.
This Is War!


The Men of SA Semester