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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Typhoid Fever

It has been almost a week now.  One week of miserable symptoms.  It started with a loss of appetite but then a fever burst within my head, but it left as quickly as it came taking with it all my energy and leaving me lethargic for two days.  Now I am left with stomach pains and movements whenever I eat.  I fear this may be something worse than I hoped.  All these symptoms are characteristics of typhoid fever, except I dont have a high fever, but this possibility slightly worries me...
So I've been praying alot, but i feel guilty because I didnt come to God when I had a fever or lack of energy.  Its only when I start getting scared that I start really talking to Him about it.  In my helplessness I find comfort in prayer, of course i pray for healing but then what if its God's plan for to be sick?  So instead of asking for just healing, i pray for peace that God does exactly what he wants with me...  That is all I can do, and honestly being in that spots thrills me... even if I have typhoid fever!

The next day...
I have gone the whole day without symptoms.  I cant just blow this off like no big deal.  God worked his small miracle and healed me from my affliction.  I love that there are always lessons to be learned...
I wonder if God enjoys bringing me to these points where I am almost asking for unfortunate events? (T Fever)

1 comment:

  1. Colty...please don't ask God for unfortunate events; life is full of them, Honey. I admire your heart of surrender...just don't ask for trials. Please. Praying for complete healing in addition to God working His Word, Will and Way into your life! I love you, Auntie Dawn
